A Musical Legacy

Melinda Sings the Songs of her Father, Johnny Mullins.

Melinda Mullins is the daughter of Johnny Mullins, “the Ozarks’ own Grammy-nominated songwriting elementary school janitor” who penned hits for Loretta Lynn, Porter Wagoner and Emmylou Harris, among many other country, bluegrass, gospel and folk artists, and even had a song recorded by both Sinead O’Connor and Elvis Costello.  Johnny left behind a treasure trove of unreleased writings and songs, many of them discovered in dusty old shoeboxes by Melinda who embarked on a musical legacy mission in 2013 to keep her father’s body of work alive.  A Johnny Mullins Collection show takes us to the roots of Americana music and into the creative mind of one of the Ozarks’ true gems.

On Stage

Welcome to my musical legacy mission!  Whether through a solo performance, the Layton Hollow Gals duo or trio, or in another collaboration, the Johnny Mullins Collection takes us on a journey from a cabin in the hills of Layton Hollow, Missouri to The Ozark Jubilee in downtown Springfield, with stops along the way in Nashville and Hollywood before settling in the halls of Wilder Elementary School.  

The Buzz!

Bob Walkenhorst, The Rainmakers, @ Folk Alliance International Music Fair

The Shoe Tree Listening Room, Springfield, MO

“Wonderful, heart-felt songs! Melinda Mullins is unique. She sings the legacy of her Grammy-nominated father, Johnny Mullins. Johnny worked as an elementary school janitor during the day, and exploded with poetry and songs at any time, day and night. His sweet music and human insight have made it into his daughter, and Johnny would be so touched to see the love as she performs his music. I encourage you to take a listen!”

Mike Paget – Green Guitar Folk House, Lenexa KS